That Great Divide
“What is your superpower?” Karl Heiselman was on stage at the Kyoorius Designyatra in Goa. Speaking about how he became the CEO of Wolff Olins, he echoed the experiences of many speakers and delegates present there, he talked about a unique quality that helps designers find solutions to the problems they are presented with everyday....

A Bag Full of Colour
A recent assignment on packaging design gave me the chance to explore an intriguing yet often overlooked segment of retail in the country: the wholesale market. I say ‘overlooked’ because most packaging designers work on products sold directly to consumers through supermarkets, corner shops and home delivery networks. But there is a thriving, incredibly colourful...

Good Design is Good Business
Earlier this year I had a chance to visit the Design Museum London’s excellent retrospective, The Way We Live Now on Sir Terence Conran–designer, entrepreneur and a huge inspiration to creative business. Now this could have been just another parade of designer objects arranged neatly in a gallery setting, but what made The Way We...
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